Actions around Lützi & Legal Info

You want to realize political actions around Lützi? The village can support you! We try to take care of each other as best as possible and accept all different levels of actions.

Directly to:

Legal Team (EA)
Learning Actions
Execute Actions

Legal Team (EA)

When to call the EA?

Call the Legal Team when:

  • you witness police movements and bigger police groups
  • you witness someone being arrested or controlled or e.g. if the police acted violently
  • you get arrested yourself
  • you are free again
  • you have legal questions  



Phone: +49 (0) 641 2010 99 547

encrypted Mail to

Support from the Legal Team when you are arrested:

When you get arrested you have the right to call one person you trust. (If you cannot reach them it doesn’t count as call!) Use this call to contact the Legal Team. The Legal Team has an overview who is arrested and where the people are. If needed, lawyers are contacted for you. Do not call lawyers yourself this could cause chaos and potentially costs. If you call us, tell us your personal EA-number. Through this number the Legal Team can clearly identify where you are without knowing who you are or what your name is.  Do not make any statements to anything else except what you are accused of – if you have information on that. Don’t worry if you are not sure what to say to us – we are asking you everything we need to know. Do not sign anything at the police.

Now we know that number XXX is at the police and keep that in mind until you or someone from your affinity group calls us again to tell us you are free again. Please do not forget this!
Never hesitate to call the Legal Team.

In short:

  • get an individual number at the Action-Point or on this website on the right
  • Write it on your body or remember it
  • Write down the numbers of your affinity group
  • Contact the Legal Team when arrested and tells us your number and other arrested people of your affinity group.
  • No statements! Do not sign anything!
  • Until you call again your number is marked as arrested.
  • Therefore: Do not forget to call us when free
  • Celebrate freedom

Everything important can be found in short here:

Your EA-Number (randomly generated):

Learning Actions

During festivals and weekends different actions are offered, you can check the program regular to stay informed. You can also approach people at the Action-Point and ask them about workshops and make suggestions or wishes for topics.  Of course, you can also offer workshops yourself and use resources from Lützerath for this.

If you want to prepare for actions beforehand you can find further material and some inspirations of past actions here.

Actionpoint Contact

Element (Matrix)

Phone, SMS, Signal & Telegram:
+49 (0) 15510349479

Email: (PGP-Schlüssel)

Execute Actions

You have decided on something? Then you have to start planning, however we can just support you partially here. Good news: There are structures which can support you! Here is a list:

  • The Action Point in Lützerath (see above)
  • The Legal Team (see below)
  • Different antirepression initiatives (see below)

Current information can also be found in the Action-Ticker.


Possibilities to follow actions Lützi can be found hier.


+49 (0) 641 2010 99 547


Social movements and activists quickly become targets of state repression, such as police stops, house searches, fines, or charges in court.

This can affect not only those who take particularly “radical” action, but also all those who are close by. It often hits a few of us particularly hard, but as a deterrent, we are all meant. Our solidarity against their repression! We do not leave each other alone and have also organized supporting structures for this ourselves.

Before you take part in any actions you should attend a Legal Workshop online or in Lützi.

If you get any mail from the police, RWE or the prosecutor’s office after actions around Lützi, you can contact (best encrypted) the AntiRRR (AntiRepressionsgruppeRheinischesRevier) at:

Much information around repression like an action checklist or a detailed legal aid brochure can be found at

If you have any questions to legal situations around Lützi, do not hesitate to contact the Legal Team via their consultation hour or via mail at