Action in solidarity with PueblosUnidosCholultecas //Frankfurt
On 1 March, people from Lützerath followed the call of the #PueblosUnidosCholultecas, the squatters of a former water bottling factory in Puebla in Mexico, for international solidarity. They travelled to Frankfurt am Main to take to the streets together with the people of Frankfurt for water and against capitalism.
This water bottling plant was operated by the Danone subsidiary Bonafont for 29 years. It bottled water that was stolen from local people, animals and plants and led to the drying up of rivers and springs. The occupation stopped this and the factory became Alpepelmecalli. Altepelmecalli, the Peoples’ House, was a place of communal living, learning and rebuilding until it was evicted on 15 February 2022.
While we here in the Global North are desperately looking for technical solutions to these crises, solutions are where we would least search for them: The people of Cholultecas managed to occupy the water bottling factory and turned it into a community centre. They dide events, trainings and built up a health centre. People have come together and resisted collectively, countering their anger and despair with action and collective solidarity.
– Lakshmi Thevasagayam, Spokeserson for Lützilebt
In addition to this contribution, speeches by the Ya Basta network and the Journey for Life highlighted the situation in Puebla, Mexico, made global entanglements visible and expressed solidarity with the squatters of Altepelmecalli.
Finally, a small group hung a banner in the main station. The police cordoned off the area around the banner, but people continued to hand out flyers, shout slogans, dance to loud music and explain to the many people passing by what the action was all about. The two people who climbed onto the steel girders to hang the banner have been banned from Frankfurt Central Station.